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Career School of NY is Recognize and Awarded as the School with the Best of Staten Island Cosmetology Program. This recognition is a result of the dedication and efforts as well as the work of others

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Job Placement Rates

  • Accreditor Rate The job placement assistant rate for students who completed this program is 70%.
  • Name of the accrediting agency this placement rate is calculated for: Council on Occupational Education
  • Who is included in the calculation of this rate? All students who completed between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020 are included in this calculation.
  • What types of jobs were these students placed in? The job placement assistant rate includes completers hired for: Jobs within the field
  • Positions that recent completers were hired for include: Medical Assistants with Internship, Medical Billing and Coding Technicians
  • When were the former students employed? For example: This rate is based on program completers who were employed within 180 days of completion and were employed for at least 13 weeks.
  • How were completers tracked? Completer/alumni survey (60% response rate)
  • State Rate The job placement assistant rate for students who completed this program is 70%.
  • Name of the state this placement assistant rate is calculated for: New York
  • Who is included in the calculation of this rate? All students who completed between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020 are included in this calculation.
  • What types of jobs were these students placed in? The job placement assistant rate includes completers hired for: Jobs within the field
  • Positions that recent completers were hired for include: Medical Assistants with Internship, Medical Billing and Coding Technicians
  • When were the former students employed? For example: This rate is based on program completers who were employed within 180 days of completion and were employed for at least 13 weeks.
  • How were completers tracked? Completer/alumni survey (60% response rate)

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